
Remapping and Remembering

As Indigenous elders age, the original placenames used to navigate the land we live on in Canada run the risk of being lost to...

Revolutionizing Drones with 5G

A natural disaster that knocks out communication infrastructure, a remote search and rescue operation, or an investigation into the condition of an unstable building...

From Polarization to Public Engagement

As political discourse becomes increasingly fragmented and polarized, public involvement in Canada’s climate conversation is more difficult and contentious than ever. To improve how we...

Accelerating Disaster Response

Natural disasters are on the rise in Canada. With climate change contributing to shifts in weather patterns, there is a steady increase of severe...

Reducing Renewable Energy Uncertainty

Two of the most important technologies for mitigating global warming, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, are wind and solar power. Both...

Digitizing History and Culture

From the crumbling tombs of ancient Egyptian kings to Canada's under-renovation Parliament Hill, heritage sites across the globe are faced with a common challenge:...

AI for Small Businesses

For small businesses, complying with federal and provincial labour code requirements for routine HR processes can be a serious drain on resources. While some processes...

Sounding the Alarm

Whistleblowers shed light on problems that would otherwise remain in the shadows, alerting us to dangers to the public and abuses of public funds. While...

Protecting Cities from Urban Flooding As record-breaking rain and snowfall become regular events due to climate change, cities must work quickly to address the increased risk of urban flooding...

Innovative Self-Powered Coat Design Prolonged darkness is a reality for residents in Canada's north. In winter, regions like the Yukon average only four hours of sunlight per day....

Training Pediatric Surgeons Laparoscopic surgery, a procedure where long thin instruments are inserted into the abdomen through slits as tiny as two to three millimeters long, has...

Combatting Eco-Anxiety

Climate change has transformed from a distant concern to an urgent global crisis – drastically impacting ecosystems and human lives alike. Dominating conversations and...